Thursday, August 16, 2012

Happy Birthday Mom!

Mom, you are:

Selfless & Generous
Devoted to your family
A great help - running quick errands for me to help me have an easier week to giving me advice
A cancer survivor - Praise the Lord!

I really can't say enough about how much I love my mom. She is an amazing woman. She is all the things above and more. I am so blessed to have a very special relationship with my mom and I cherish her every day. She is a wonderful mom and a fabulous Grannie!! And today is the day to celebrate her!

Happy Birthday, I love you Mom!!


  1. You are correct in that your mom is incredible! We think she is so awesome! I hope I am the kind of mom and Grannie that she is one day!

  2. Love your mom! And I love her more for realizing 15 years ago that I wasn't a crazy pedophile man and let us be friends. We owe our friendship to Nick Carter and your mom. ha!
