Monday, August 20, 2012

Are you ready for some football?

In this house, we are! We are pretty diehard football fans in this house. We have already started pre-season Titans football, with the first home pre-season game coming at the end of the week. We had a good win last week, and some excitement with a fellow MJHS alum, Michael Jasper, getting picked up by the Titans mid-week last week. We are hoping we get to see him play this pre-season and that he makes the team! Pretty cool when a hometown guy gets to come back and play in his own city. My parents have season tickets to the games, so Andrew & I go to most of them, as Grandpa & Grandma are nice enough to hang out with Delaney and watch the games with her from home.

We follow high school football a little too, and Mt. Juliet is off to a good start this year. We usually try to get to one game during the season. Since these are on Friday nights, it is hard with our work schedules and Delaney's eating/sleeping routines, but she gets a little more flexible on weekend bedtime the older she is. We like to get her decked out in her black and gold and take her to cheer for the Bears. If you didn't know, Andrew & I both graduated from MJHS (although they have a nice new school and a new football field now). Although the location moved a bit, it is still our hometown team and we both have a lot of memories going to all the games in high school. It's fun to bring Delaney to those games, and I am hoping she ends up being an MJ Bear herself one day.

When college football starts up, our Saturdays will be a hodge-podge of fun fall events and trying to catch games whenever possible. We root for Vandy (Go 'Dores!), but Andrew likes to follow all of the SEC games...and college football makes great background noise for a Saturday afternoon nap, so I don't mind too much.

No Klahn family football post would be complete without mentioning Fantasty Football. This year, Andrew is commissioning a league for the Greater Nashville Apartment Associaton board, and is in another league with his cross-country buddy (hi, J!) I bowed out this year, as I have SO much going on this fall and it takes a lot of time to manage a league well. That said, I can't wait to join the moms league 2013 with my fellow football-loving bestie!! As you can see, we love the fall and we love our football. Does your family love the football season, or are you a football widow?

1 comment:

  1. Foooootballl! However, I must admit, come November I'm starting to get a little sick of 8 hours of red zone on Sundays... looking forward to December~!
    Glad that it worked out for Andrew and Jason to hop in a league together! Love our bestie husbands!
