Tuesday, August 7, 2012

First School Day EVER!

Last Wednesday, Delaney started preschool. It has been a mix of emotions for me getting her ready for this big day. We are thrilled that she got a spot in the 3 day program at our church, Grace UMC's preschool program. I love the program and the curriculum they use, and Delaney has been on the waiting list since birth for a spot in the two-year old class! We were very excited to get the news last spring that she could enroll in the fall. We did lots of preparation for school, including talking about meeting new friends, meeting her teacher, and even getting a new lunchbox and backpack with her name on them (thanks Grannie & Pop!) for her birthday. We bought supplies, got a nap mat, and went to meet her teacher, who we love.

Then the Big Day came. Actually, the day before the Big Day came. Cue me, at 9pm, folding Delaney's laundry and sobbing into the clean clothes. What happened to my baby? I am so proud of the big girl Delaney is becoming, but sometimes I miss my little baby too. My sob fest was short lived though, thanks to my getting busted by Andrew, who decided I would "really be a mess when we drop her off for college." (Thanks honey, that really stopped the waterworks.)

Sidenote: He did give hugs and console me, too, just in case anyone was wondering.

BUT, by the morning of the Big Day I was back to being excited, and had my most brave mom face on so that little love would have an easy time being brave too.

 Starting the day with her favorite breakfast: sliced banana, toast, and a scrambled egg!

 Showing off her school ensemble

"Let's go Mommy!"

The dropoff went great. We had already been to the school and met Mrs. Deana, so we had talked a lot about Mrs. Deana and how nice she was. She came in, remembered Mrs. Deana, put up her things and got down to playing. I called her back over for a hug, kiss, & I love you, and she said "Ok, I'll see you later!" I am SO very proud of my big girl. It has been a big goal of ours since she was young to make sure she was comfortable around various people and in a variety of places, and she is quite the social butterfly so far (following in someone's footsteps, maybe?)

 She did have some tears at naptime, and this is going to be a transition for her. She is not used to napping with others in the room, but Friday she did nap for about 30 minutes so she is working on the transition well. I am sure soon it will just be part of her regular routine.

When I came to pick her up Wednesday, she did not want to leave! This made my heart happy as I know she is at a place where she is learning, having fun, and growing into a little girl that will know how to treat friends and classmates, and listen to adults as well. So far, Delaney loves school and we are so glad this has been a smooth transition for our family. 


  1. hooray for preschool. glad delaney liked it. naptimes are always the hardest transition.

    and good job, mama! it's hard for mommies and daddies sometimes, too.

  2. don't even talk about college! the girls will have to go to the same school to keep each other out of trouble. on second thought, that might be the worst idea ever.... could you have imaged us at the same university? oh boy!
