Saturday, June 18, 2011

Breaking up is hard to will you take me back?

Darling Ladies:

...and Gentleman (which, let's face it, is only my husband once in a blue moon and possibly my dad when my mom shows this to him)

Please forgive me. I've done it yet again. I'm like the ex that you keep believing will change, but they never really do - or so I've heard, as I have only one ex who wasn't much of a boyfriend in the first place, and I managed to hang on to that next boyfriend for the past nine ohmygod has it actually been that long already?!? years.

But back to my apology. If I promise this time to blog more often, be more interesting, and show more pictures of my cute kid, would you come back and stay awhile? Pretty please?

There is so much to discuss!

1 comment:

  1. Blog! It's fun and a great way to keep a record of all of the funny/cute/annoying/amazing/crazy things that are going on. I am addicted to mine now. The more you do it, the more you want to keep it up!
