Thursday, July 14, 2011


Do any of my lovely readers tweet? I did as a fleeting attempt to be cool when Twitter was a new thing. I quickly realized that I did not have enough time/patience/interesting things to say to really succeed at tweeting, so I pulled the plug.

Am I the only one who is mildly annoyed that every.single.TV show now has a hash tag at the bottom something along the lines of #sitaroundandtypeaboutourshowbecauseitrules. Seriously, do that many people use Twitter? I know, I know, the answer is yes. But I'm not one of them.

Am I missing out? I feel like I pretty much already spend my precious evening time on the interwebs reading Facebook and writing witty blogs for you. So there really isn't any need to add another form of social media to my life.

Until, of course, Delaney has her own Twitter account and I have to keep up with her. Le sigh.

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