Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Out of the mouths of babes.

A few months ago I signed up to start teaching Sunday School. There is a (somewhat) new program at our church called the ROCK, and they had been recruiting teachers during service announcements. The still, small voice in my head kept telling me to do it, but since teaching is not one of my strong suits, although I aspire to do it, so I ignored the voice. (Note to self and others reading: that never works. God really knows how to pierce through all the noise and get you.)

Anyway, I began with first graders, which I loved. Then some of the classes combined and moved, and I now have the joy of being with the third and fourth graders. They are so much fun and amazingly insightful and smart. I have enjoyed getting to know the kids and getting to meet some more parents that I didn't know around the church as well.

This week, our lesson was on pride. I don't consider myself a very prideful person, although we all have our moments. But the lesson pointed out a new spin on pride that I'd never considered before. When we put ourselves down and think poorly of our life/talents/blessings, its like saying that God didn't do a good job putting us together. This has really resonated with me this week.

Undoubtedly, I am learning more from studying my lessons and teaching the kids than they are learning from me, but I hope they are taking something valuable home as well. Each of the kids had to list 3 talents they could thank God for, and they all came up with three quickly. I know a lot of talented adults who would have trouble naming three great things about themselves (myself included on some days). The faith of a child is a beautiful thing, and we might learn a lot more as adults if we looked at life in the same way. At least I have.

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