Thursday, September 20, 2012


I'm constantly telling family and coworkers all of the funny things Delaney says and does, immediately followed by: I should really write some of these down, I'll never remember them!

So, in an effort of documentation, and hopefully a little something to make you laugh, I present to you Delaneyisms.

(Reciting prayers line by line after Daddy at bedtime)
Daddy: I pray the Lord my soul to take.
Delaney: I pray the Yord my soul to cake.
Every night...cake! I love it.

(On our way home after work)
Mommy: Do you want Daddy to read you the book?
Delaney: No, Mommy read it.
Mommy: Do you want Daddy to rock you tonight?
Delaney: No, Mommy rock you.
Mommy: Daddy will give you a bath and Mommy will rock you.
Delaney: Oh, that's typical.
Seriously, I couldn't make this stuff up.

(Watching NFL)
Delaney: Is that Go Titans on TV?
Yes, yes it is. Even if the Titans aren't on TV, gotta work on the diehard fanism now.

(Playing with my little wooden calendar on my desk at work)
Delaney: Let me put these emails into my inbox (putting the blocks into the calendar). family much?

(In the car)
Mommy: Do you want to turn your tunes on?
Delaney: Yes, that will calm Delaney down.
Still working on those pronouns.

(Every.Single.Morning. on our way out the door, to our precious kitty, along with a giant hug and kiss)
Delaney: I need to say goodbye to Callaway!! Callaway, I love you! See you later al-gator! After while croc-a-dile! See you soon bad-boon!
Grandpa taught her that last one. Baboon, badboon. Tomayto, Tomahto, right?

(Looking at the Shutterfly photobook that came in the mail this week)
Delaney: Mommy! Mommy! Is that a book of Delaney?
Books + Photos of Herself = Happy Clam.

(Reading her newest book from Dolly Parton, I Am a Rainbow)
Words should be: Then I see red, I'm angry like a bear.
Delaney: Then I see a red bear. Don't make me angry!

Life with Delaney is a roller coaster of fun, crazy antics, and a "terrible two" moments too. It is an awesome challenge living with a toddler, but what a blessing! We love our hilarious little girl!

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