Sunday, January 24, 2010

Baby Watch: 14 Weeks.

Well, sportsfans, I am currently 14 {and a half, but who's counting} weeks pregnant! This means baby is growing like a weed and it is starting to show!

Baby Klahn is currently the size of a lemon.
Hard to believe that little lemon makes THIS happen!

the yellow shirt is a coincidence, but it is nice that baby and i are matching!

So far I have still been blessed to feel healthy with very little sickness. We are VERY excited to find out whether Baby Klahn is Baby Boy or Baby Girl, so the fun of registeries and nursery decor can really begin!

1 comment:

  1. Lil Lemon Klahn.
    That's a cute name, if you were famous celebrities into crazy-complex-inducing baby names, of course.
