Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Fashion plate.

Delaney is becoming a real accessory fiend these days. Although she usually protests getting out of her jammies in the morning (but really, who doesn't, albeit silently), she loves getting to decide what to do with her hair, what shoes to wear, and which pair of sunnies goes with her outfit. Most mornings, as we are climbing the stairs to get dressed, she declares the hairstyle of the day. Mommy is pretty crafty on this and can do a variety: down, pony head (also known as "ponytail" for those who don't speak toddler), pigtails, and bow. She also loves to wear hats, so much so that I had to go on a mission to find some more colors of hats, as one white and one pink/purple was not cutting it with every outfit. Sometimes Delaney throws a real curve ball and decides which bow she wants to wear before the outfit is picked out. That leaves Mommy the task of finding a suitable outfit for said bow. Lucky for this mommy, we have a lot of outfits to choose from.

Not last to mention are the shoes and the sunnies. Delaney loves picking out her shoes (I usually cut it down to two matching choices for her to decide on), and her sunnies (we go wild here and where absolutely any color, matching or not). In my never-tiring quest to create a mini-me, Delaney has sunnies enough for many more pairs of eyes than exist on her beautiful little face. She's got yellow, pink, white with flowers, pink with flowers, purple, and the list goes on. What can I say? If the bows and the sunnies are right, how can your day go wrong?

Here are some recent pictures of my girl sporting some of her favorite things:

                                      These yellow bows are her favorites for pigtail wearing

 Supervising mommy getting ready and going over our to-do list for the day. Check out the awesome colors!

                                                              How cool is this chick?
                           Rockin' the pigtails and yellow bows again at family fro yo night!
Loving this one - she demanded eating in her sunnies for lunch! Guess she didn't want to be bothered by the paparazzi mom...HA!

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