Thursday, June 17, 2010

Callaway the Well-Intentioned Misfit.

Last night, a total freak accident occurred at my house, involving possibly the sweetest, most docile member of the family other than yours truly.

I was minding my own business, sitting on the chaise lounge, and Callaway was merrily scaling the ledge between the edge of the seat and my leg, purring and snuggling, when the unthinkable happened: he lost his balance.
At least that's what I think happened. All I know is that a blinding pain came across my foot, and three sharp little back claws were digging into my big toe for dear life. After I screamed and Callaway jumped down, completely startled and discombobulated, blood started pouring out of my toe.

Oh, lovely.

And, in my 35 week pregnant and freaking huge state, the only method of cleaning said toe was to stick my leg in the tub and turn the water on, since hubby had not gotten home yet, and putting my foot in the sink or bending over were both physically impossible. Yes, this was funny, even to me, so you are allowed to laugh at the pregnant lady trying to do things.

Really, I can't make this stuff up. If you think your life is boring, get a pet. You'll thank me.

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