Thursday, January 31, 2013

Surviving January.

I have written before about how January is survival mode for our family. It is a very busy time at work for me, and always busy around the house un-holiday'ing and getting into the New Year. I haven't had a lot of time to blog, but I am always snapping pictures with my phone.

In no particular order, here's what we've been up to this month as a family:

Snuggles. We start our days with a little snuggle time in Mommy & Daddy's bed. Sometimes we wind down there too. I cherish these times so much! Here are Daddy, Delaney, and Santo having some quality snuggle time.

Cheat Nights. We have been on the My Fitness Pal bandwagon and eating healthy since the New Year started, so weekly cheat nights have been instituted again. We usually end up at our favorite Mexican restaurant, El Rey. It is delicious, easy to get in, and they love Delaney. She usually orders a cheese quesadilla and rice. She will also say "Hola" and "amigos." We love our Saturday nights at El Rey!

Crafting. I threw a baby shower this month for my dear friend Nicki, who is having baby Beckett in March! This meant I got to break out my mother-in-law's Cricut machine and give it a test run. Holy crafting, Batman! It was such fun. Can't wait to decide on the theme for Delaney's birthday party and get going on some awesome projects!

The sickies. After a cough that just wouldn't go away, Delaney woke up one night with a 104.5 fever and wheezing. After a doctor's visit and chest x-rays, she got a steroid and inhaler, and was a real champ about using them. We were so proud of our big girl. Here she is in the doctor's office, being brave and getting a Nebulizer treatment. Luckily it passed quickly, and I'm happy to report that she is 100% healthy again!
Playing Princess. Princesses are a hot item at our house right now, and mommy is loving it! This little castle Santa brought is played with daily. It makes noises, plays songs, and is just fun! We also dress up in our princess gear a lot.

Cooking. Delaney is taking after her Grandpa and Daddy, and loves to help in the kitchen. We made homemade pizza this month, and she helped with the sauce and the toppings. She was so excited to eat what she had made! And yes, when you are under 3 and dealing with red sauce, you are required to cook in the nude at our house.

Cooooold weather. The temperature the end of this month has dropped, and Delaney even got a snow day (although there was no ice near us, just water on the roads). We are keeping bundled up, and looking forward to warmer days where we can get outside and play again!

How was your January? We have lots to look forward to in February - a little slower pace, Valentine's Day, and my birthday! What are you looking forward to?

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