Thursday, March 8, 2012

Toddler trauma in aisle 3.

One of February's memories wasn't a fun one. Delaney experienced her first real tantrums this month. (Fast forward: they are gone for now, thank goodness!) In hindsight, I think Delaney must have been coming down with a sickness the Saturday these events transpired, but Daddy & I were convinced that the terrible 2's had invaded a few months early.


The day started out fine, and transpired into a mess of tears, timeouts, and 3 very weary people (apparently throwing a tantrum is just as hard work as dealing with one!)

Here's where the mom logic went out the window.

Andrew had to be at church that evening, but alas, we need groceries, so off I trekked with my little diva to Wal-Mart. A quick trip with a short list. We've done this solo a million times, what's a million and one, right?

Wrong. So very, very wrong.

In the dog food aisle, Delaney dropped her goldfish (the snack, which is pretty much a shopping staple for us. Happy baby = mom able to put things into cart and check out). Seems like a win-win. But the concept of not being able to eat off the floor of Wal-Mart (there are some things you just can't compromise on, people) was just too much for this little girl to handle.

Insert kicking, yelling, and crying here. Delaney was pretty upset too.

I kid, I kid. I actually stayed really calm, attempted to calm her down to no avail, and then decided the best way to handle this was to get the heck out of there. So we bee-lined it to the checkout with the few things we had picked up, and got to the car.

Daddy to the rescue helped with dinner and bath, while Mommy took some time to decompress. The hardest part was getting my head around how my sweet little girl could act like this!

When we got home, I told Delaney that I loved her very much but did not like her behavior at all and did not want to see her act like that anymore. I asked for a kiss. I got it, along with her response: "I'm sorry, mama." And mama's heart melts.

Ah, turns out my sweet little girl is still my sweet little girl after all. Wal-Mart just gets to people.

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