Monday, March 15, 2010

kudos from my bff.

Good morning bloggers!

I thought I'd start off this week with a little blogging excitement - an award! My first, I might add. toot toot!

How did I get this award, you ask? Well, since it clearly isn't for posting on a regular basis, it can only be because my lovely pal, Mrs. Smith, is just so fabulous. In fact, for more info on how fabulous her life actually is, go on over and check out her blog. You'll love her!

The rules of the award are:

  • Link back to the blogger who gave this to you.

  • Post where you'd like to be in 10 years.

  • Give to five other lovely ladies.

Since its currently a quarter after 7 here in our household, I'd like to think in 10 years, I'll be out doing the school dropoffs for one (or maybe two?) kids. The fabulous-to-be Delaney will most certainly be in tow. After that, let's say I'm out to take a walk, maybe do some shopping, and otherwise enjoy my life of retirement?? Hey, its 10 years, it could happen! Either way, as long as my wonderful husband is along for the ride, I am pretty much game for anything.

Now, to pay some bloggy love forward - here are a few lovely ladies I'd like to pass this award on to:

Emery's Mom

Tracey, my Fellow Mom-to-Be Blogger

My Sis-in-Law

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