I love Catalyst because its a six month program, and I felt like I could do anything for just six months. I am surprised how the time has flown! I do two weight workouts with Alison each week, and attempt to do three cardio workouts on my own (since honesty is the best policy, let's go ahead and admit that some weeks I do better than others on the cardio). I also have an easy to follow meal plan that doesn't tell me exactly what I have to eat (because no one's the boss of me!).
If you want a great workout and real results, check Catalyst out! You can find them on Facebook or click the link above. I am already excited about achieving my first goals and setting some new ones for my second tour. Can you believe I am actually considering continuing working out? That crap about workout endorphins and blah, blah, blah must actually be true. Humph.